Member Interview: Worldwide Logistic Partners, USA

We recently asked some of our members to share their views on the industry today, the benefits of networking, and their vision for the future. Here are some comments from Tim Taylor at Worldwide Logistic Partners, Founder Member in the USA:

How are you and your business doing, is all moving in the right direction?
“WWLP’s business for the past 2 years has been very successful, but NOT without a tremendous amount of pressures from the Ocean Carriers, Terminal operators, Rails, Trucking industry and the LAST mile delivery to our customers. The pure volume of goods entering and exiting the USA has never been so high and the infrastructure of the USA has NOT lived up to the challenges this great demand has caused. 

BUT we seem to be going in the right direction and I feel that 2023 will be a much better year in terms of infrastructure challenges, and volumes will go back down to normal levels.”

Does your SFN Membership help you secure new business when approaching potential clients - the fact that you are so globally connected?

“WWLP uses many agents in the network, we would not survive without the assistance and guidance we get from our partners in the network. Almost each and every NEW customer I bring on board affects one network partner in some way. Whether that would be from a pricing standpoint, operational requirements in that specific country or just to handle my freehand shipments. I rely on them very much!”

How many SFN Members do you work with?

“I would say that we work with about 25 members worldwide, the only reason so small a number is because we do not have work in any of the other countries represented and for that I am always looking for more business, so I hope that I can find more partners to work with.

In closing, I can say that without the SFN network our company would not have grown from its beginnings of 5 people in two cities to almost 50 people in 4 cities and adding more and more every day."
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